June 28, 2008

How do I.. create my blog with my own domain name for free?

It was before few days, when I got an email from Hyperwebenable.com that they have been watching my blog for some time and would like to offer me a free domain name (.com/.org/.net/.info anything) that I would like and host it on their servers. They would show two banner ads on all pages that I show in exchange of that..

I went ahead with the offer and just got http://jigar-mehta.com

I am still in the process of setting it up and their administrator is working with me to allow me setup everything I want (Right now, I am enabling google talk/jabber chatting on that domain with email and calendar through google apps). Once I am fully done with new domain, thinking to transfer to the new domain! (though, for some time, I will continue cross posting..)

If you want to get your own domain name for your blog, go ahead and tell them about your blog..

Shifting the blog got me in touch with Wordpress once again (my domain blog is wordpress based).. I feel like, wordpress is much more better than blogger! But anyways, blogger has got some pros too!

PS: Though they have not yet enabled advertisements on my blog but I guess they will do that in future!

Stay tuned.. Wave