May 11, 2011

Never want to miss Twitter Interaction or Mention? Use Twply…

Do you also wish if you could get email notification for any mention or reply to your twitter handle? I think its one of the most requested features from Twitter (and twitter hasn’t implemented yet, surprised!). But Twply is awesome at this.


All you need to do is, open, authorize your twitter account access for Twply and provide email address where you wish to receive tweets mentioning your twitter handle or replies to your tweets!

I find it awesome because sometimes when I am on vacation or during night if somebody replies to my tweets, I get email notification and can keep conversation alive!


Update: Just realized that Twitter has recently added similar feature where you can get email notification, when any of your tweet is marked as Favorite by somebody or if somebody retweets your tweet or if somebody sends reply or mentions you in a tweet.  In order to activate these feature, you need to go to, You’ll find something similar to following,


