October 10, 2006

Google groups in new adorns !!

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never been into the whole group site scene. I might have tried joining a few groups here and there, but I never really stuck around and quickly lost interest. Heck, I don’t even, nor have I ever, owned a myspace account.

With that being said, the new beta version of Google Groups just might have me stepping it up a notch.

From the official Google Blog:

It may have been awhile since you thought of Groups as cool or sexy — if you ever did — but I couldn’t have been more excited to work on the team responsible for making the current Google Groups better.

If you could win an award for looks alone, I would be saying give Google the trophy. The interface is slick and clean. I find it extremely easy to navigate.

The new version comes packed with goodies like custom logo uploading, file uploads, custom text and colors, some gmail tools and more!

Its still into beta and more features are being added but I would say one thing, as I always say, "Google rocks !!!"