May 6, 2007

I am Joost; gimme more bandwidth..

I have just got an invite for joost and have downloaded the software, become member also. But was just referring to their FAQ, and wanted to point out this entry in their FAQ:

How much bandwidth does the application use?

IMPORTANT NOTICE for users with limits on their internet usage

You need to read this carefully if:

- you have an upper limit on your monthly internet usage, or
- you pay for internet usage as you go (i.e. you pay per megabyte you download, instead of a flat fee).

Joost is a streaming video application, and so uses a relatively high amount of bandwidth per hour. In one hour of viewing, approximately 320MB data will be downloaded and 105MB uploaded.

Windows users should note that the application continues to run in the background after you close the main window. For this reason, if you pay for your bandwidth usage per megabyte or have your usage capped by your ISP, you should be careful to always exit Joost client completely when you are finished watching it.

So, to stop using bandwidth, you need to exit the application entirely...

I fear, I would be able to use it (even if I dont pay per MB), its totally outreach for broadband users in india! (BSNL provides 256kbps for unlimited users and that can not satisfy joost's needs, I suppose!)

Following is the screenshot of the application (cool, isnt it?)

Stay tuned.. Wave