November 11, 2006

Want your email id as ?

Want your Email ID as something new !!, ?

Follow the below mentioned steps.

  1. Open
  2. Click orange button, "Sign up"
  3. Copy and paste the following code into the browser address bar (and hit enter)
        1. javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="live.");r(a = new Array("","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i<a.length;i++){ s(i ) }alert("Success - additional domains added!");
  4. You now have "" listed under your domain. Go ahead and create the account!

So, just create an account now, with and lot more domains !! All will be having same backend and features, just the domain is changed.. !!